October 16, 2024

Aura Reading USA


Aura Reading 7000

It is state-of-the-art technology that allows the aura of each person to be photographed, each human being as a spiritual whole, it is energy and just as there are positive poles, there are negative poles. We all contain an aura in our body, and today thanks to the technology of AURA READING 7000 you can photograph and KNOW AND DETECT IN TIME HOW YOUR AURA IS LOCATED, YOUR ENERGY, what colors the result shows, and know right now HOW TO FOCUS YOUR LIFE TO A BETTER FUTURE, see a camera in action reacting to your energy.

Contact us today to make a live demonstration to know how your chakras are, and how are the energies of your body through a call. Call right now and participate in this complete and detailed reading.

Explore, understand and improve your life

with the AURA READING 7000 station. Our technology shows the shape, size and intensity of the main 7 chakras of the body that qualified people will accurately indicate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of your aura through the AURA image READING 7000

For the first time in the United States we present the AURA READING 7000, the great launch of this technology that has been developed for decades by scientists who have wanted to photograph the aura and know how the energy points of the body are aligned.

In just 5 minutes through a manual platform reading and an energetic vibro-thermal camera you can photograph the body’s energies for only $40 and participate in this technology and change your life with AURA READING 7000.

Enjoy this technology

with the best certified spiritual guides in the United States, in the different Stands that we have located in the best places in Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Fernando Valley, San Bernardino, Santa María California, Las Vegas Nevada, Miami Florida, New York, Every day from 10am to 2pm, and from 4pm to 10pm

Analyze the essence of your aura today, BALANCE IS ESSENTIAL TO LIFE. Knowing our detailed essence of MIND-BODY-SPIRIT will give us a clear vision of our mind-body balance and MEASURING OUR EMOTIONS TEACHES US HOW WE REACT TO DAY TO DAY, what our true thoughts and feelings are, you have all this and much more with you. AURA READING 7000


so that you develop your best levels of consciousness, balance your chakras, which are the energy centers of your emotions, which are projected into your physical health with AURA READING 7000 AND ACHIEVE HARMONY, WELL-BEING AND HAPPINESS.

The aura is your energy field that stores all the information of your inner essence, your emotions, thoughts and actions of the past, which have a tendency in your present and lead you to determine your future, with AURA READING 7000 YOU WILL KNOW YOUR UNCONSCIOUS TO HAVE IMMEDIATE ANSWERS OF YOUR CONSCIOUS ACTIONS OF THE PRESENT.

You are an Energetic Being of Light

AURA READING 7000 tells you what your potential is to balance your personal, social, and work life. Being fully aware of your being will take you faster and easier to achieve your goals in life.

THE BODY SPEAKS WHAT THE MIND IS SILENT” and what better reference to our unconscious than reading the aura with AURA READING 7000

The energy of the human body is something sacred and wonderful.

Thanks to the Aura Reading 7000 technology we can photograph in time and detect the energy points to know what is failing in our aura and our energy. Thanks to the state-of-the-art camera and the ENERGY READING platform WE CAN ALIGN YOUR CHACRAS and know how these energy points are aspected. Call right now and in just 5 minutes we will carry out an energetic study of your aura.

Giving you a photograph of your aura where through the colors that this technology throws, KNOWING TO DETERMINE IN TIME WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH YOUR LIFE.

Call right now and for only $40.
Receive the AURA READING 7000 at
+1 702-809-2690

How wonderful it is to know your relaxation-stress balance or stress-energy level. Knowing your energy levels will give you A WONDERFUL AND FULL LIFE THANKS TO AURA READING 7000. The control you exercise over the color of your aura can change depending on the vibration of your thoughts. Its cost is little for everything that will help you since you have it. YOUR PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL, LOVE AND FAMILY LIFE WILL GIVE A POSITIVE CHANGE FROM NOW ON.

Contact Us:
+1 702-809-2690
Copyright © Aura Reading USA – All rights reserved.

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